Подобные вопросы
- 1. O meu pedido de número LB203340729SG que é um celular redmi note 9s está em trânsito a 77 dias e eu gostaria de saber quanto ele vai chega.
- 2. Where is the company office located in Oman and how many branches in Oman ???
- 3. I ordered a couple packages and shipped it to my old shipping company address. I would like to know if its possible to deliver it to the updated address as they are no longer accepting packages with the old delivery. I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience and would GREATLY appreciate the change of address. The tracking number are: LY291421195CN UT655572772TH UT655602148TH UT655576275TH UT655585630TH UT655666982TH Regards, Really sorry customer
- 4. Could you please help me to Locate where my Item is and when will it be delivered ? I haven\'t found any trace or update for 1 month now. Tracking No: LP169488841SG
- 5. Hello sir, please let me know when you will deliver the amant to the destination? Tracking number: LY008986955CN
- 6. Ordered 12/19 arrived USA 12/26/19 have not received my merchandise yet OVER 3 MONTHS. WHERE IS PACKAGE? Tecgadget company Order No 1948...S00000099694835 Shipping No. ALIEXPRESS DELIVERER.
- 7. Hola, mi envio no ha llegado y ya lleva mas de 30 dias, mi numero de seguimiento es S00000084099994 y S00000082198971 quiero saber como va?
Adriana Eris Fernandes Alvares