Почта Индии отслеживание

Почта Индии реальные отзывы

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91 1800 11 2011     http://www.indiapost.gov.in/


good day Dear Post of India, to you in India from the Russian Federation from the city of Chelyabinsk sent a parcel under the number RB479484842RU. According to the track tracking service of the Russian Federation and international shipments, the parcel number RB479484842RU arrived in India today. although I didn't see it in your tracking list. I saw that the RF only registers this, and you do not see it in tracking. the package is two small toys. it is intended for the actor Mrunal Jain sure you know him and his wife Sweetie Jain. I'm sure you know and love them. for all track codes shows that it was received by you in India today, but this is according to the Russian post, but on your site the track does not write what was received by you.please tell us whether you received a small package from the Russian Federation, from the city of Chelyabinsk two small bears from ivy, and with the same code RB479484842RU. or not. because I tend to believe you more than the Russian post. and if you have received please give the recipients 20 minutes I know. the assignment was in Mumbai. I am just a customer, and the sender from Chelyabinsk sent, and from Chelyabinsk to Mumbai. did you receive a parcel with the same tracking number at your post office? RB479484842RU. the photo post a photo of the parcel what's in it. there is nothing wrong or illegal in it, and I show international tracks. please tell me if you received such a package in India? with this track code? What facikng in Usa? Arrived In Russia Deliver India Mumbai? Why? What my parsek? -- Отправлено из Mail.ru для Android

Вы охренели? Как у вас трек работает нормально или нет? Какое США? СТРАНА ОТПРАВЛЕНИЯ Россия RB479484842RU трек Код Страна отправления Россия отправлялось 7 июля Страна назначения Мумбай Индия. КАКОЕ Сша? Где моя посылка?